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What roots do

Roots are like sponges. They soak up water. And roots are anchors, too. A plant's roots grow down into the earth. They spread out and send out branches. They curve around stones. They grow toward...

What leaves do

Leaves don't seem to do anything at all. But if you could become tiny enough to peek inside a leaf---you would have a surprise! Sunlight comes into a leaf through the leaf's skin, which is clear...

Why leaves are green

In the furry, finny, feathered world of the animal kingdom, there are many different colors. There are orange and brown giraffes, white polar bears, blue beetles, and red birds. But in the plant...

What’s in a seed?

A seed is a baby plant and a bundle of food all wrapped up in a package. Different kinds of plants have different kinds of seeds. Some seeds are as big as a baseball. Others are smaller than a grain...

Plant Ways

So W. W. Watt Have you ever wondered why leaves change color in the fall? Or why some flowers smell nice and some don't? Or what pine cones are for? Do you know why some trees stay green all...