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Dolphins and porpoises

The dolphin fuhn) and the porpoise puhs) are really small whales. Both belong to the large group of whales called toothed whales. Most people can't tell a dolphin from a porpoise. But there is an...

Whale families

Whales belong to a group of mammals called cetaceans (suh shuhnz). The name means \"large sea animal." There are about seventy-five kinds of whales. They are divided into two groups. Those called...

Giants of the sea

It was a bright July day. The calm sea off the northern coast of Norway sparkled in the sunlight. A flock of birds wheeled overhead. Suddenly an enormous, dripping, dark-gray shape shot up out of...

The “fin-footed” ones

It was September, and the beginning of spring in the southern part of the world. Near a small island in the Antarctic Ocean, the water was filled with bobbing brown heads. Hundreds of animals were...


Dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, and humans are some of the creatures called mammals uhls). They're all warm-blooded and have some hair. This is one way to tell them from fish and reptiles, which are...