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Most people think of sharks as being only one kind of very big, very fierce, and rather frightening fish. But there are actually some 350 different kinds of sharks. And they come in all sizes. The...

Deep-sea fish

In the pitch-black water of the deepest parts of the sea live some of the strangest of all fish. Many of them have flashing or glowing lights on their bodies. Many seem to be nothing but mouths and...

Fish with weapons

A number of kinds of fish have long noses. But not just ordinary long noses. Their noses are weapons---swords and spears! A swordfish is a big, torpedo-shaped creature that averages from six feet...

Balloon fish

There are many kinds of fish that have an unusual way of protecting themselves when they're frightened or in danger. They swell up like a balloon! Many of these fish belong to a family of fish known...

Fishes that fish

> It's a common thing for people to go fishing. Perhaps you've even gone > fishing yourself. But have you ever heard of a fish going fishing? > Well, some of them do! And, believe it or not, they...

Fish doctors

A snaky, speckled, moray eel lurks in the shadows of a coral reef. It is an ugly looking creature, with a wide, fang-filled mouth. And it is one of the most ferocious inhabitants of this part of the...

Fish that wear disguises

> stonefish A lumpy chunk of rock, covered with patches of small seaweed, lies half buried in the mud of the sea bottom. A small fish, swimming nearby, moves lazily toward the rock, almost touching...

Snaky fish

Many people seeing an eel moving in and out among the rocks on the sea bottom might think it was a snake. The eel does have a long, slithery, slimy-looking, snaky body. But eels are not snakes. They...

Sea horses

Someone once described the sea horse as a fish with the head of a horse, the tail of a monkey, the hard, outer shell of an insect, and the pouch of a kangaroo! And this is a good description. The sea...

Decorated fish

Some of the most beautiful fish in the world live among coral reefs. Coral reefs are rocky formations that look like lovely, underwater rock gardens. They are found near the shore in warm, tropical...