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Stone skeletons

When you were born, your skeleton was already inside you. However, there are creatures in the sea that are born without skeletons---so they make their own. But their skeletons are on the outside! ...

The “flower” animals

An animal that looks like a bag full of flowers and turns somersaults when it wants to go somewhere sounds like something out of a fairy tale. But there really is such a creature. It's called a sea...

An animal made of water

A strange shape moved slowly through the dark-blue water of a tropical sea. It looked like a see-through umbrella. But instead of a handle, it had ragged, lacy strips and strings hanging down from...


The sea is the home of a large group of animals that really aren't much more than a stomach with tentacles. These animals are called coelenterates (sih tuh rayts). The name comes from two Greek...