from Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell The book from which this story is taken is based on historical facts. When a ship comes to take a small band of Indians to the mainland,...
A New Way
from Toolmaker by Jill Paton Walsh This story takes place many thousands of years ago, in the time called the Stone Age, when people made and used stone tools. Ra is a fine toolmaker, and his skill...
Glooscap and His People
from Glooscap and His Magic: Legends of the Wabanaki Indians by Kay Hill Glooscap is the great culture hero of the Wabanaki (or Abnaki) Indians of Eastern Canada and the northeastern United...
Nina Terrance
> from The Cry of the Crow by Jean Craighead George Mandy Tressel awakes to the sound of gun blasts. Her father or older brothers, Jack and Carver, must be hunting crows in Piney Woods. Even...
Casey at the Bat
by Ernest Lawrence Thayer > The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day; > > The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play; > > And so, when Cooney died at first,...
Clever Manka
from The Shoemaker's Apron by Parker Fillmore In many folk tales and fairy tales, people need magic and good luck to overcome their troubles and make wishes come true. But in this story, which comes...
Baba Yaga’s Geese
> from Baba Yaga's Geese and Other Russian Stories translated and > adapted by Bonnie Carey > > Baba Yaga is an evil witch in Russian folklore. She flies around in a > mortar steered by a pestle,...
Anansi and the Plantains
from Anansi the Spider Man by Philip M. Sherlock Who was Anansi? He was a man and he was a spider. When things went well he was a man, but when he was in great danger he became a spider, safe in...
The Emperor’s New Clothes
> by Hans Christian Andersen > > Hans Christian Andersen died more than a hundred years ago, but his > many wonderful stories continue to live in the hearts of readers. Most > are fairy tales...
The Living Kuan-yin
a Chinese folk tale from Sweet and Sour: Tales from China by Carol Kendall and Yao-wen Li Even though the family name of Chin means gold, it does not signify that everyone of that name is rich....