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The Little Whistler

by Frances M. Frost My mother whistled softly, My father whistled bravely, My brother whistled merrily, And I tried all day long! I blew my breath inwards, I blew my breath outwards, But all you...

Whistle for Willie

###Whistle for Willie > by Ezra Jack Keats illustrations by Ezra Jack Keats Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle! He saw a boy playing with his dog. Whenever the boy whistled, the dog ran...

Furry Bear

by A. A. Milne If I were a bear, And a big bear too, I shouldn't much care If it froze or snew; I shouldn't much mind If it snowed or friz--- I'd be all fur-lined With a coat like his! For...


> by Aileen Fisher > > And how could peanuts, Otherwise, > > Be covered up so tight? > by Leroy F. Jackson > > O it's hippity hop to bed! I'd rather sit up instead. But when father > says...

Bed in Summer

> by Robert Louis Stevenson > by Marchette Chute In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candlelight. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed...

The Dog and the Bone

by Aesop It so happened that a dog had a fine bone and was carrying it home to chew on in peace. On his way, he had to go across a plank over a stream. As he walked across the plank, he looked down...