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The mysterious Mobius strip!

If you have a piece of paper, that paper will have two sides, right? If you wanted to, you could color one side red and the other side blue, couldn't you? And even if you roll the paper into a tube,...

The secret word

There was once a very large, fat, and quite handsome bullfrog by the name of Ribidip, who lived in a small pond in a forest. He was well liked by the mud turtles, was friends with most of the fish,...

A moving numbers game

You can play this game by yourself, on the floor or on a table. You need only five playing cards---an ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Lay the cards out just as they are shown in the picture at the top of this...

Toothpick teasers

1. Put seventeen toothpicks together to make six squares, like this--- Now, take away four toothpicks so that only four squares are left. (There are a number of ways to do this.) 2. That's pretty...

Rebus riddles

A rebus is a puzzle in which pictures, letters, or numbers stand for words or parts of words. But here's a kind of rebus with a new twist. To work this kind of rebus, you add or subtract letters to...

Puzzle fun!

Do you like puzzles and "thinking games"? Well, here are some for you. So on with your thinking cap and see Just how well you are able to do! These pages of games and puzzles Will give you some...