Materials - cloth - cloth scraps - embroidery thread - felt-tip pen - needle (crewel, darner, or tapestry) - ruler - scissors - straight pins - yarn 1. Choose a piece of cloth that is wide...
Stitched belt
> Materials > > ■ cloth scraps > > ■ felt or heavy cotton, > > 2 inches (5 cm) wide and long enough to go around your waist > > ■ embroidery thread > > ■ felt-tip pen > > ■ needle (tapestry,...
Stitchery picture
Materials - crayon - needle (tapestry, darner, or crewel) - paper (plain) - ruler - scissors - yarn (several colors) 1 Plan and draw a design or picture on a piece of paper. You can make up...
Helpful hints
The following information will help you make the projects in this section. If a special skill is needed, the directions will tell you the page on which that skill is explained. For example: "Stitch...
Sew and Stitch
Can you paint a picture without paint? Can you turn a sock into a doll? Can you make a snake from a towel? Sound like magic? It is! It\'s the magic of sew and stitch! Sewing is easy to learn. And...
On your own
> Here are more things you can do with shells.
Shell sculpture
Materials - cotton - foil pan or jar lid - glue (white) - sea shells - tiny white buttons (optional) - toothpick - varnish (optional) Sea shells grow in many different sizes, shapes, and...
Shell frames
Materials - glue (white) - newspaper - paintbrush - unframed mirror - picture hook - sea shells - varnish You can find sea shells along the beach. Or, you can buy them in some variety stores,...
Peter the peanut puppet
Materials - glue (white) - ice-cream sticks (three) - needle (darner) - peanuts (in the shell) - tempera paint - thread (heavy) - yarn 1. For Peter's head and body, string three long peanuts...
Stone sculpture
Rocks and stones are all different. No two are alike in size, shape, or color. So, you won't be able to make stone sculptures exactly like the ones on the opposite page. But these sculptures will...