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Dark-room pictures

Materials - blanket or cloth (heavy) - coffee can - hammer - nail (small) - rubber band - waxed paper What does the camera \"see" when you take a picture? You can't climb inside it to find...

Smile for the camera

There you are with that stuffed bear you had when you were two. And here you are with that big fish you caught last summer. Both times someone took your picture. The camera made a copy of the way you...

Glowing eyes

Silently the tiger crouches, its striped coat blending perfectly with the evening shadows. A deer is coming! The tiger turns its head to watch---and suddenly its eyes begin to glow with a strange...

Seeing it clearly

> The lens in your eye bends light rays and makes them focus, or come > together, at the back of your eye. Your eyes don't hurt, but the doctor says you need glasses. Why? How can glasses help your...

A water-drop lens

You can make a lens from anything that is curved and clear---even a drop of water. Here is an easy way to make a magnifying lens. Materials - cardboard - food wrap (clear plastic) - medicine...


Its huge, glittering eyes stare at you. Its big mouth opens and closes, opens and closes. But suddenly it swims to the other side of the bowl. It's only a small goldfish, after all! Why did the...

Mirror, mirror

Who is that person in the mirror? It seems to be another you, doing exactly what you are doing. How can a mirror \"copy" you? A mirror is very smooth. The front of a mirror is Hat, polished glass....

Shadow time

> At sunrise your shadow on the ground is very long---longer than you > are! At sunset your shadow is long again, but it points the other way. > And in the middle of the day, when the sun is high in...

What makes a shadow?

> In the sunshine, your shadow travels with you everywhere you go. > Sometimes it bends in funny places. Sometimes it takes a strange > shape. But it's always there. On a cloudy day, or in a dark...

Light gets around

Materials - ball (small) - block (small) - cardboard - clay (modeling) - flashlight - jar (round) - masking tape - milk - mirror (small) - paper (white) - ruler - scissors - water The...