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The Tree House

by Johann Wyss We soon found four large casks, made of sound wood and strongly bound with iron hoops. These were floating with other things in the water in the hold. We managed to fish them out and...

Ups and downs

Suppose someone asked you to lift a hippopotamus out of its hippopotamus-sized bathtub! It sounds impossible---but with a simple machine called a pulley, you could do it! A pulley is a special kind...

What am I?

The answers to all of these riddles are wheel-and-axle machines. Can you find two that roll and two that turn? \_ > 1\. My axles are two, but my wheels are three. Even little kids ride > on me. > >...

Turn, turn, turn

How many wheels do you use in a day? You can count wheels that roll---bicycle wheels, car wheels, and bus wheels, too. They help you get places. A push from you or an engine makes the axle turn. And...