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Singing strings

> To play a violin, you rub the strings with a bow. The strings vibrate > and make the sounds. Can you make a string sing? You certainly can. When you play a stringed instrument, that's exactly...

Boom and bong

Tap a pencil against an empty box. It doesn't play a tune, but it does make a sound. One family of instruments makes sounds in the same way---you use something to hit, or strike, them. The...

Music to your ears

What is music? It's making sounds you like--- and putting the sounds together in different ways. You use the sounds to make a \"design" you can hear, the same way you use a pencil or crayons to make...

Making sound bounce

Sound waves bounce off hard surfaces such as walls and floors and ceilings. Here is a way you can prove this by making sound waves bounce around a corner. Materials - cardboard - cardboard tubes...

High and low

Zzzeee goes the tiny mosquito as it zips past your ear. HROOM growls a big truck as it rumbles by on the road. The sound the mosquito makes is much higher than the sound of the truck. Why are the...

Sound gets around

A swimming fish seems to glide through the water without making a sound. But it doesn't swim as quietly as you think! Divers swimming underwater hear a loud crack when a large fish flips its tail and...