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Putting energy to work

You can water your garden by holding the hose and spraying the water where you want it to go. But if you do this, you have to stand there until the garden is watered. There is another way---a better...

Windwagon Smith

The story of Windwagon Smith is actually a \"tall tale" that was made up by American frontier people more than one hundred years ago. Whoever made up the story was aware that wind is a powerful...

Where are the horses?

Imagine a team of horses---fifty or a hundred or even more---pulling your car down the highway! Actually, your car's engine has that much pulling power---the pulling power of a certain number of...

A snake-dancer

Materials: This snake is lazy when it's cold---but if - construction paper - needle - pencil (unsharpened, with eraser) - scissors - spool - thimble - tracing paper you put it near something...

Changing energy

Crack! It's a home run---and it was scored by a hamburger! It's true that the hamburger didn't hit the ball. The batter did. But the batter ate the hamburger for lunch. The batter's body got energy...

Energy from atoms

> What's the smallest bit of something you can imagine? Is it a cookie > crumb? Is it a pinpoint? Maybe it's the period at the end of this > sentence. > > Actually, all things---even you---are made...

Energy from sound

Beneath the fishing boat there are thousands of fish waiting to be caught. The crew on the boat can't see the fish---but they know the fish are there. How can they tell? There is a special kind of...

Energy from the wind

A push from the wind can make a kite fly and a sailboat glide across the water---and it can do other things, too. It can even light lamps and pump water! If you live in a place where a strong,...

Energy from the sun

Someday you may live in a house that keeps itself warm with a tankful of \"sunshine"--- even on cloudy days and chilly nights. Instead of turning on a furnace, you'll use saved-up heat from the sun. ...