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Lemon power

You can put your own \"package" of chemicals together to make a battery. A tiny magnet---a compass needle---will show you when the electric current is flowing. Ask a grown-up to use the knife to...

An on-off magnet

Large electromagnets can lift heavy loads. This one picks up and stacks big blocks of crushed iron and steel in a junkyard. Electricity can make light and heat. It can also make a magnet---one that...

It’s hot!

When you use electricity to make toast, pop corn, iron clothes, or dry your hair, two things happen. Electricity makes a strong push in a wire---and the wire pushes back! Electricity makes the...

It’s light!

Electricity traveling through the thin wire of a light bulb makes the bulb glow. When you turn on a lamp, electricity makes the bulb light up. But the whole bulb isn't really glowing. The part...