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Autumn’s Eve

Ch'usok In Korea, autumn is a long and pleasant season. The weather is usually nice, and the grain and fruit are ripe and ready to eat. Farmers have gathered in most of the crops. Their long, hard...

The drill master

At the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, most men in the American Army were farmers and working men. They were brave, but they had no experience as soldiers. They didn't know how to march...

The Cry of Dolores

> Grimly, Father Hidalgo, priest of the little Mexican community of > Dolores, tugged at the rope that rang the church bell. He was calling > the people to church earlier than usual on this Sunday...

The Day of Atonement

> Yom Kippur In the Hebrew language, Yom Kippur uhr or KIH poor) means \"Day of Atonement." Atonement means to make up for something bad you have done. For Jewish people, Yom Kippur is a day when...

Jewish New Year

Rosh Ha-Shanah It is sunset. The light shining through the stained glass windows of the synagogue is fading. The rabbi, dressed in white robes, lifts to his lips the shofar---a trumpet made from...

Gifts for ghosts

> Indian children, dressed in costumes, take part in a harvest > celebration in New Mexico. The Feast of the Hungry Ghosts September 6 Have you ever heard of ghost money, orphan ghosts, or hungry...