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Australia celebrates

Australia Day January 26 Clink-clank-clink. Barefoot prisoners in chains trudge along the road. All around them are guards with rifles, ready to shoot to kill. But these people aren't really...

Poet of Scotland

Birthday of Robert Burns January 25 How would you like to eat a pudding that has been cooked in a sheep's stomach? You'll certainly have a chance if you ever go to a party to celebrate the...

Hero of the South

Birthday of Robert E. Lee January 19 Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest generals of all time. He is also one of the best-loved men in the South. In the United States, from 1861 to 1865, there...

Free at last!

Birthday of Martin Luther King January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., was a famous American civil rights leader. A Baptist minister, he was stoned and put in jail for practicing what he preached. ...

The gift of the Magi

Feast of the Epiphany January 6 On the night of January 5, children in Puerto Rico look forward to a visit from the Three Kings. It is said that the Three Kings, also called the Three Wise Men,...

Happy New Year!

The first day of the year is both a holiday and a holy day. It is also a time to look back and a time to look ahead. It is a time to make a new beginning. So, many people make New Year's resolutions....

Ring in the new!

Ring out wild bells to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring happy bells,...

The month of Janus

In most of the world, January is the first month of the year. Named for the Roman god Janus, January has thirty-one days. Long ago, the Romans had only ten months in their year. Then they added an...


Who shares my birthday? Is your birthday in January? The names of some of the famous people born in January are shown on the calendar on this page and the next. What do you know about the person who...