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The Maid of Orleans

Saint Joan of Arc May 30 The year is 1429. A young French peasant girl---only seventeen years old---is clad in armor and mounted on a war horse. She holds her sword high in the air. Above her...

America remembers

Memorial Day May 30 Memorial Day honors Americans who died in war. This day is also known as Decoration Day, because graves of the war dead are decorated with flowers and flags. No one is sure...

Birthday for two queens

Victoria Day The Monday before May 25 is a national holiday in Canada. That's when Canadians celebrate the birthdays of two British queens born more than a hundred years apart. The first queen was...

For someone I love

Mother's Day Even though you can show how much you love your mother on any day, a special day is set aside to honor mothers. In the United States, Canada, and Australia, Mother's Day is the second...

The Battle of Puebla

This painting in a Mexico City museum shows the Mexicans defeating the French in the Battle of Puebla. Cinco de Mayo May 5 A little more than a hundred years ago, France started a war with...

Fly a fish!

Children's Day and Boys' Day May 5 May 5 is a double holiday in Japan. It is Children's Day, which has been a national holiday since 1948. It is also Boys' Day, a festival that is hundreds of years...

Maypoles and parades

May Day and Labor Day May 1 In many countries, the first of May is May Day---a day to welcome spring. People gather flowers and dance, often around a May pole. May Day came to the United States...

The month of Maia

May is the fifth month of the year. It has thirty-one days. In early Roman times, when the year began in March, May was the third month of the year. There are several stories about how this month...