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Island holiday

> Constitution Day > > July 25 Christopher Columbus landed in what is now Puerto Rico in 1493. It was his second voyage to the New World. He claimed the beautiful island for Spain. The name Puerto...

The Liberator

Birthday of Simon Bolivar July 24 Simon Bolivar is one of the greatest heroes of South America. Known as El Libertador (The Liberator), Bolivar is also called the "George Washington of South...

Long live France!

Bastille Day July 14 > This French family is putting up colorful pennants in preparation for > Bastille Day. In France, July 14 means much the same as July 4 does in the United States. It's a...

A bit of Scotland

Highland Games and Gathering of Scottish Clans > Tossing the caber takes a lot of strength. Highland games are contests in athletics, dancing, and music. Events of this kind were first held in...

Festival of Lanterns

Bon Festival July 13-15 People of almost all religions have special times for remembering their dead. Buddhists in Japan do this from July 13 to 15, on the festival of Bon. Bon is also known as...

Independence Day

by Laura Ingalls Wilder In this story, taken from the book Farmer Boy, young Almanzo Wilder enjoys the Fourth of July as it was celebrated in northern New York more than a hundred years ago. Almanzo...

Happy birthday, America!

Independence Day July 4 Red, white, and blue fireworks burst above the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific! It is July 4. On this day, the American people wish a happy birthday to their...

Hands across the border

International Freedom Festival How would you like to go to a weeklong birthday party? That's just what Canadians in Windsor, Ontario, and Americans in Detroit, Michigan, do. Canada's birthday,...

Happy birthday, Canada!

The Police Pipe Band adds to the excitement of Canada Day in Vancouver, British Columbia. Canada Day July 1 Canada has a birthday on July 1. It's Canada Day, a national holiday that used to be...

The month of Julius Caesar

July is the seventh month of the year. It has thirty-one days. In ancient Roman times, when the year began in March, July was the fifth month of the year. It was called Quintilis, meaning \"fifth." ...