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A new holiday

Kwanzaa December 26-January 1 From December 26 to January 1, many blacks in the United States celebrate a special time called Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa is their very own holiday---a way of honoring the...

The Feast of Lights

Hanukkah On the stove, crisp potato pancakes sputter in a skillet. In a corner, children spin square tops on the floor. On the table, candles twinkle in a candleholder. It's Hanukkah nu kah), the...

The happiest holiday

Away in a manger, No crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus Lay down His sweet head; The stars in the bright sky Looked down where He lay--- The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay. from A Little...

Cakes and candles

St. Lucia Day December 13 Down the village street comes a small group of young people. At the head of the group walks a pretty girl in a long, white dress. Upon her head she wears a crown of green...

Juan Diego’s vision

Guadalupe Day December 12 On December 12 each year, thousands of people gather at a hill in Mexico City. They come from all over Mexico. Many have walked long distances to reach the shrine of Our...

The “tenth” month

December is the twelfth month of the year. It has thirty-one days. In ancient Roman times, when the year began in March, December was the tenth month of the year. This month got its name from decern,...


Woody Allen (1935) American comedian, actor, and filmmaker Lee Trevino (1939) American professional golf champion Georges Seurat \(1859\) French artist who started a way of painting called...