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A Confederate hero

Confederate Memorial Day The American Civil War was a bitter struggle between the North and the South. The war lasted four long years. In that time, more than half a million men died. At the...

Simpson and his donkey

Anzac Day April 25 The air crackled with the sound of rifle and machine gun fire. The earth shuddered from the explosions of cannon shells. Through this storm of death, thousands of soldiers...

The dragon slayer

St. George's Day April 23 The princess wept and trembled with fear as the huge, horrible dragon came toward her. She closed her eyes and prayed for the terror to end quickly. She didn't want to...

A holiday for trees

Arbor Day Whoever heard of a holiday for trees? You have---if you've heard of Arbor Day. Arbor is another word for tree. On Arbor Day, many people---especially schoolchildren---plant trees. Most...

The British are coming!

Patriots' Day By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled. Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world. from Concord Hymn by...

The Sugar Egg

by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey There was a very important proclamation on the gate of the king's palace, and this was what it said: \"The king wishes a new and different kind of Easter egg for the...

Bunnies and bells

Easter Who brings colored eggs at Easter? It all depends on where you live. Children in the United States and Canada say the Easter bunny, or rabbit, brings eggs at Easter. Children in England and...

He is risen!

The Bible says that Jesus Christ died on a cross on a Friday almost two thousand years ago. Christians believe that on the following Sunday Christ arose from the dead and, in so doing, proved that He...

Festival of freedom

Passover Long ago, the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt. God knew that the Jews longed to be free. To help the Jews, He chose one of them, a man named Moses. God appeared to Moses and told him...