by Stephen H. Sheldon, D.O., F.A.A.P. "Latchkey children" is a term for youngsters less than 13 years old who care for themselves for significant periods of time before and/or after school and...
By Deborah Rotenstein, M.D. For every child, a primary task of childhood is to grow and develop ultimately into a mature individual. Physical gi'owth begins with conception. It is influenced by a...
The gifted child
By E. Paul Torrance, Ph.D. For many years, the term "gifted child" usually meant a child with a high intelligence quotient (IQ). But a few leaders in the field of education for gifted children...
Explaining death to a child
By Stella Chess, M.D. Even when there is no direct contact with death, it is not unusual for children to ask, "What does it mean when you're dead?" or, "Will I die, too?" The children may want to...
The drug problem
By Thomas E. Cone, Jr., M.D. The use of chemical substances to alter mood, perception, and behavior has become part of growing up in Western society. In recent years, drug and alcohol abuse by...
By Stella Chess, M.D. Divorce is an upsetting experience for everyone involved. It is especially difficult for children to accept the threat to the security that comes from living with united and...
Day care
By Patricia Fosarelli, M.D. Substitute care is the care a child receives from a person other than a parent---a relative, babysitter, nanny, au pair, neighbor, day-care center teacher or director,...
Choosing a baby sitter
By Stella Chess, M.D. Parents and children should occasionally spend time apart from each other. Parents should be able to enjoy an evening out, or a few days away from home, free from the demands...
Children and television
By Patricia Fosarelli, M.D. In the last 30 years, television has become a pervasive part of our lives. Children, especially, are attracted by its magic. Children in the United States watch an...
Behavioral disorders in children
By Jerome L. Schulman, M.D. At times, all children behave in ways that puzzle or worry their parents. Many children may even show what seem to be symptoms of a behavioral disorder. Symptoms such as...