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Electric Shock

Electric shock is usually much easier to prevent than to treat. It is very dangerous and can kill or seriously injure anyone. If your child suffers electric shock, re­member that while seconds...

Drugs – Dyslexia

Drugs are used to provide comfort and to prevent and cure disease. Drugs are ob­tained from plants, animals, and minerals, or they are produced synthetically. - Insulin, a hormone extracted from...


Deafness is the partial or complete inabil­ity to hear certain sounds. More specifically, it is the inability to discriminate speech. In a child with normal hearing, sound waves pass through the ear...

Cyanosis – Cysts

Cyanosis is a bluish coloring of the skin and lips that results from a lack of oxygen in the blood. A "blue baby" has cyanosis be­cause a congenital (present at birth) heart defect interferes with...

Cuts and Scratches

Cuts and scratches. The best way to treat small cuts and scratches is with soap and water. First, wash your own hands. Then, wash the cuts with plenty of soap and water, using cotton or a clean...

CPR – Croup

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency procedure that combines artificial respiration with manual heart (cardiac) mas­sage. Instructions for both parts of the pro­cedure are provided in...