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> Most children enjoy having stories read to them at bedtime. stimulated to a point where both the amount and the quality of sleep suffer. A child who becomes overtired may resist going to bed and...

Scald – Shock

Saint Vitus's dance. See Chorea; Rheu­matic fever Scald. See Burns > The deep red rash that a child develops with a case of scarlet fever > looks like a sunburn with goose pimples. Scarlet fever...

Rash – Roseola

Rash. Since it is difficult to tell a mild, relatively harmless rash from a serious one, consult a doctor if your child develops a rash which persists and continues to spread, es­pecially if the...

Prickly Heat

Prickly heat is a skin rash caused by excessive heat or humidity. The rash is made up of raised, red, pinpoint spots. The surrounding skin also becomes red. Prickly heat occurs especially in areas of...


Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are three common and closely related plants that cause skin rashes. A child who spends a great deal of time in the woods and fields should know what these plants look like...


Nutrition. The nutrients in food can be divided into certain groups---proteins, carbo­hydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Wa­ter is sometimes considered a nutrient. Proteins are necessary for...