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Guide to Childcraft

This volume for parents and teachers outlines a child’s growth and development from birth through the preteen years and explores issues of special concern. The volume includes articles about child development, a Medical Guide, these suggestions for introducing and using Childcraft, and the General Index for the series.

About Me

This book answers questions of special interest to a young child—questions about how people are alike; being born into a family; growing; learning about the world; understanding feelings; what makes each individual unique.


This book entertains and challenges young readers with sto¬ries, puzzles, games, tricks, and facts about numbers and shapes; how we can play and work with numbers; what num-bers can do for us; careers involving numbers.

How Things Work

Here are explanations and experiments concerning forces and machines; sound, light, heat, motion, and electricity; the six simple machines; and such everyday machines as clocks, cam¬eras, and engines.

Make and Do

This book provides instructions, with pictures, for more than 300 how-to-do-it projects and activities, including games, stunts, tricks, making costumes and gifts, and such crafts as painting, weaving, and working with clay.

Places to Know

This volume introduces children to famous places around the world, from sites of historical importance, such as the Pyramids, to scenes of great natural beauty, including Niagara Falls, to modern attractions, such as Disneyland.

Holidays and Birthdays

This book offers explanations of over 100 special days in 40 countries—national holidays, religious holy days, birthdays of famous people, and other birthdays and anniversaries; stories behind the names of days and months; and stories, poems, and projects for holidays.

About Us

This volume explores the many likenesses and differences in people and cultures of more than 50 nations, from Afghanistan to Zaire—ways of life, beliefs and customs, foods, houses, games, and arts.

Story of the Sea

The mysterious world of the sea is explored with photo-graphs, poetry, and scientific facts about the oceans; animals of the sea, from starfish through shark; and legends, historic ad¬ventures, and modern exploration of the sea.

The Green Kingdom

In this book, readers learn about flowers, trees, and odd plants; plants of long ago; how plants live and grow; gardens; how plants and people affect each other; tales and true stories about plants.