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Curtain going up!

A sudden hush falls over the theater. As the lights dim, the curtain goes up. And there, on the brightly lighted stage, a story comes alive. Most plays are stories in which the actors speak their...

Go fly a kite!

When someone says, "Go fly a kite!" they mean "Go away, get lost!" And that's just what happens to a kite when the string isn't strong enough. A hard wind blows and snaps the string. Your kite is...

Who’s a toymaker?

All children are toymakers. Sticks and stones, boxes and bones---all sorts of throwaway things---can be made into toys. Toys are as much fun to make as they are to play with. All you need are some...

The art of masks

Masks are one kind of art that we see all around us. Masks can be made of many different kinds of materials. Some masks are made of paper or papier-mache. Others are made of cloth, plastic, rubber,...

Circuses and carnivals

A shopping center or mall is a good place to find variety stores, sporting goods stores, shoe stores, and many other stores in which to buy things. At certain times of the year, it might also be a...

How to bathe a buffalo

Water buffaloes love the water. That's why they are called water buffaloes. In Asia they are used to plow fields and rice paddies. Water buffaloes are not pets. They are work animals. But children...

Vacation time

A vacation is a time to forget work and worries. It's a time to have fun, or a time to rest. It's a time for families to do things together. Some families like to take trips to faraway places....

Three cheers for our side

People are crowding into the Olympic Stadium in Rome. Banners are flying. Flags are waving. Everyone is talking at once. "Come sta?" ("How are you?") "Mi tanto piacere vederla!" ("I'm so pleased to...

Find me, catch me!

It's Alfredo's turn to be "blind hen." Pedro ties a big, red handkerchief over Alfredo's eyes. Then Pedro, Inez, Maria, and Juan form a circle around Alfredo. The four of them begin to chant, "Blind...

Quick hands, quick eyes

Ten quick fingers can crisscross a string into a cat's cradle in seconds. It's almost like magic. Most people play cat's cradle for fun. But some people believe that a cat's cradle has magic powers!...