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New Words

Some of the words you have met in this book may be new to you. Many of them are words you'll meet again, so they are good words to know. Some are the names of countries that may be hard for you to...

Books to Read

If you enjoy reading about people the world over, look for these and other books in your school and public libraries. Ages 5 to 8 Archaeology by Jean Cooke (Bookwright, 1987) You will learn what...

The Old and the New

> Egypt People in Egypt have traveled in donkey carts for many years. Today, cars, trucks, vans, and buses are common sights. Two worlds---the old and the new---are side by side. Kenya These two...

Living in Two Worlds

Imagine how surprised these Indians were when they first saw men from Europe. In the Indians' world, clothes were made of animal skins. Their tools and weapons were made of wood and stone. But the...

People Watchers

Would you like to dig up the skeleton of someone who lived thousands of years ago? Or explore the bottom of the ocean for treasure from sunken ships? Or do things to help people live better and be...

How do you wear your hair?

People usually wear their hair in ways they think make them look their best. They also like to be in style. But hair styles change. What looks fine at one time, may look funny at another time. Just...