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My feelings

How shall I tell someone what makes me happy? Or what makes me sad? I'll make up a poem. I'll choose from all the words I know, the ones that tell exactly how I feel. I'll put them side by side in...

I play

I play games with my friends. I jump, I run, I climb, I slide. I laugh. I shout. It feels so good! Once in a while I like to play by myself. I play with my jigsaw puzzle. I read a book. I make...

I make believe

I think of things I know and see. I also think of things as they might be. Suppose I write a poem about an animal, half­elephant and half-giraffe. Shall I call it an elephaffe? How would it look?...

I like animals

They creep, they crawl, they leap, they fly. They make strange noises. That's why I like to watch and listen to animals. I like the look of soft, smooth fur and shiny feathers. Sometimes I try to...

My senses

My world is filled with sights, sounds, smells, and things to touch or taste. My eyes, ears, fingers, nose, and mouth help me to choose the things I like. Sometimes I ask myself questions, "Why do I...

Outside my door

I never used to think of things like rain, snow, trees, or flowers. They were just a part of the world outside my door. Now I go for a walk and I see things I never saw before. I see the shapes that...

People I know

1. like to pretend what it would be like to have lived long ago. It's fun to think how the world will be a hundred years from now. But I'd rather be alive in my world right now. It is the place...

I wonder and I wish

I wonder if I'll ever know about every­thing in my world. I ask about the things that puzzle me. I learn some new thing every day. Still I wonder. I write poems that tell about the things that are...

I can pretend

In one single day or even in an hour, I can pretend to be as many me's as I want to be. I can pretend to be a movie star, an artist, a teacher, a doctor, an inventor. I can pretend that I am anywhere...