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I go to the emergency room

If I get very sick all of a sudden or if I have an accident, I go to the emergency room of the hospital. Nurses and doctors in the emergency room work quickly. They don't talk much. They may even...

I go to the hospital

Once, when I was sick I had to go to the hospital. I stayed there for a while. Hospitals sound different from my house. There is the sound of wheels. Meal carts and wheel chairs and scrub pails roll...

I go to the dentist

I go to the doctor when I am well so I can stay that way. And I go to the dentist when I am well so that my teeth will stay healthy. I sit in a special chair that goes up and down. It has a headrest...

I go to the doctor

I go to the doctor when I'm sick. The doctor may give me medicine or a shot, called an injection. Germs make me sick. Medicine helps fight the germs. But there are times when I go to the doc­tor and...

Pain is a signal

Once in a while some part of me hurts. Nerves send messages to my brain. The messages say that a part of me is not well. The pain is a signal. My brain understands. I do not like pain. But if I did...

Bumps, bruises, and blisters

One clay, I got in a fight with another boy and bruised my eye. Sometimes I bump my ankle or my leg or my elbow. The bump pushes a muscle against a bone, and tiny veins and arteries break. I have a...

My body can fix itself

My body has its own way of fixing itself. It heals itself. When I hurt myself, my cells begin to do special jobs. Suppose I cut my hand on a piece of glass. The cut place bleeds. Almost at once the...

Part of me is always new

As I grow, my body changes. It changes inside where I cannot see the changes. It changes outside where I can see what is happening to me. Inside of me cells grow and divide, so I grow bigger inside...

How big will I be?

If my cells are always dividing into new cells, why don't I grow bigger and bigger and never stop? That won't happen! One reason is that even though my body makes new cells, other cells wear out....

My bones grow

One day my mother let me hold my baby brother. "Why is he so much softer than I am?" I asked. My mother said, "One reason he feels softer is that his bones aren't as hard as yours are. When babies...