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I can pretend

In one single day or even in an hour, I can pretend to be as many me's as I want to be. I can pretend to be a movie star, an artist, a teacher, a doctor, an inventor. I can pretend that I am anywhere...

Most of me talks

Every day in some way I use my arms and hands and head or other parts of my body to help me say things. When the baby is sleeping I hold my finger to my lips. That means, "Quiet, please." In school...

I see signs

Sometimes there is so much noise I cannot hear words. Or sometimes people are too far away for their voices to reach me. But they make signs with their arms and hands and I know what the signs mean. ...

I listen in special ways

In Australia, some children live so far from school they learn their lessons by special radio. Sometimes special instruments help me listen. There are instruments that copy sounds on records or...

Learning to listen

My ears can hear dozens---maybe even hundreds---of sounds all at the same time. All around me are the sounds of animals, things, nature, and people. If I really heard all these sounds at the same...

I play with sounds

I use words to say the things I want to say. But sometimes I like to play with words and sounds and sayings. If I say "Shhh," "Ooops," "Ugh," "Hiss," or "Buzz," I wonder- "Is that a sound I'm saying...

Hola, allo, hello

I need words for lots of things---to say who I am \... to talk to my friends . . . to tell funny stories \... to ask directions . . . to shout, "Happy Birthday!" \... to call my mother \... to...

My voice comes from a box

If I say "fee-fi-fo-fum," I can feel the place where my voice comes from. I put my fingers on my throat and I can feel my throat moving. My voice comes from my voice box, called a larynx. My voice...