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Air for my body

When I breathe, air enters my nose. The inside of my nose warms the air. Little hairs in my nose catch the dust in the air. The wetness in my nose catches most of the germs I breathe in. The warm,...

What is a cell ?

All living things---plants, animals, and people---are made of cells. I am made of cells. A cell is the smallest living part of me it is possible to imagine. A cell can be long, short, thin, fat,...

I eat food

I use my tongue and teeth when I eat. These help me grind up and mix my food. I use muscles, too, when I eat. I use muscles in my jaws, throat, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Special organs...

My heart and blood

My heart is about as big as my fist. Each side of it works. The right side receives blood from the rest of my body. It pumps the blood to my lungs. In my lungs, blood takes oxygen from the air. The...