Ouch! Something's in my eye! I'm not crying, but my eye is. It's crying tears just as if I really were sad. That happens whenever specks of dust and dirt get past my eyelashes and into one of my...
When I am grown (boy)
I am a little boy now. But one day I will be a man. When I am grown, there will be hair on my face. If I don't want a beard, I'll have to shave every day. I'll be bigger and stronger than I am now. ...
When I am grown (girl)
I am a little girl now. But one day I will be a woman. Now, I am kind of straight up and down. But one day my body will be more rounded. Now, my voice is a child's voice. But one day it will be a...
What happens to my food ?
I swallow my food. It passes from my mouth down a tube called the esophagus. By the time I count to eight, the food enters my stomach. Now it is on its way to being changed so my body can use it. My...
I chew and swallow
Suppose I've been playing hard and I'm very hungry. Lunch tastes good. But as good as the food is, my body can't use it without changing it. The changing is called digestion. The most important part...
Food to grow on
> Some foods help my body grow and grow. Some foods help my body stay warm. > Some foods help my body work properly. Sometimes I don't wear out my shoes I grow out of them. My baby shoes are...
Blood moves through my body
My blood carries oxygen to my cells. Every cell in my body needs oxygen in order to live. Bone cells, muscle cells, brain cells---all must have oxygen. Every cell in my body gives off things my...
My heart pumps blood
Blood moves fast. And my heart is what makes it move. Blood leaving my heart right now will travel all the way to my toes and back again in about one minute. Inside my body are thousands of tubes...