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An animal knows some things by instinct. Some animals learn things, such as how to get food, from their parents. But no animal can think up new ideas and teach these ideas to other animals. That's...

Do animals think?

I saw a robin build a nest. The robin did not have to learn how to build a nest. It knew from the time it was born. This knowing is called instinct. Even if a robin never saw a nest, it would make...


I have been wondering. That's thinking. I found some answers. I read them and understood them. That's thinking, too. Scientists don't know exactly how peo­ple think. They do know that people think...

Answers for me

I wonder and I find the answers. Dogs have extra-sharp hearing. My dog knows me by my footsteps. Some people are left-handed because the part of their brain that directs their left hand is stronger...

Wondering me

I wonder, wonder, wonder, all day long. My dad says I'm a "wonder machine." I wonder how my dog knows I'm home from school even before I open the door. I wonder about people. Why are some people...