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Whom will I look like?

I have been growing ever since that time. Sometimes I wonder whom I will look like when I grow up. Will I look like my father? Will I be as tall as he is? Will I look like my mother? Will I have...

In my new home

After a few days in the hospital my mother and I were ready to go home. The nurse dressed me, wrapped me in a blan­ket, and handed me to my mother. My father came. He looked at the brace­let on my...

In the hospital

Now my mother rested. And the doctor and nurse did many things for me. They put drops in my eyes to keep them healthy. They looked at my ears and nose, and fingers and toes---all of me. Name tags...

I am born

Early one morning my mother felt a pushing inside her. The pushing stopped, then it started. It stopped and started, stopped and started again. Each time the pushing became stronger. My mother knew...

Waiting to be born

I had a lot of growing to do before I would be ready to be born. The egg and the sperm which had joined to make my life found a waiting place in which to grow. The waiting place was the uterus in my...

Before I was born

Where was I before I was born? I was warm and safe inside my mother's body, in a special place beneath her stomach. I was there because my mother and my father loved each other and wanted me. This is...