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Tooth and claw

The sun is setting on the cactus and sagebrush of a desert in North America. A badger is busily digging beside a bush. Along comes a coyote. It sees the badger and licks its lips with a long, pink...

A race for life

> Lioness Hunting Wildebeests A lion hunts by sneaking up close to its prey and then rushing at it. The lioness does most of the hunting for lion families. When you run in a race, it's just for...

Animals in armor

If you saw a pangolin you might say it looked like a pine cone with legs and a tail. A pangolin is one of the animals that is protected by armor. It's covered with scales like the scales on a pine...

Animal actors

Many animals protect themselves by pretending. The frilled lizard is small and harmless. But it pretends to be big and dangerous. When it opens its mouth its throat is bright red and frightening. A...

Changing color

How would you like to play hide-and-seek with a chameleon? You'd have a hard time finding this tiny lizard. It can hide by changing color! It can be green on a green leaf, yellow on yellow sand, and...

Hiding with color

Hop! A green grasshopper shoots up out of the grass. It sails through the air and lands in the grass again. You can't see it before it jumps. And you can't see it after it comes down. Its green color...

Staying Alive

A porcupine's quills help it stay alive. Far up near the North Pole a tiny, baby seal lies in the snow. If a polar bear saw the baby seal, the bear would eat it up in a minute! But the polar...