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Learning from animals

Some animals are a lot like people. They can be happy or sad or angry. They can be brave or afraid. They can learn things and solve easy problems. Scientists called psychologists often study these...

A children’s zoo

A children's zoo is a little zoo inside a big one. The animals in a children's zoo are tame and gentle and can be touched and petted. Many of them are babies, so the keepers in a children's zoo must...

Feeding time

> These are dinners for birds. > > Each tray has chopped fruit, grain, and other things birds like. > A tray of food goes into every bird cage. Each bird gets exactly the > right amount of food...

People and Animals

Some people have jobs working with wild animals! These people work in zoos, parks, animal hospitals, museums, and laboratories. Some even work right in the places where wild animals live. ...