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Hiding from winter

Amphibians are cold-blooded. Their bodies are just about as warm or as cold as the air or water around them. So when winter comes, and the days get colder, an am­phibian's body gets colder, too. The...

Amphibians go hunting

Most kinds of amphibians hide and sleep during the day. At night they come creeping and hopping out to hunt for food. Frogs and toads seem to be always hungry. And, in a way, they're a lot like...

Amphibians all

Newts Caecilian Frogs and toads look much alike. But toads are fatter than frogs and have shorter back legs. A toad's skin is rough and damp. A frog's skin is smooth and wet. Most toads have...

This amphibian

> The red-eyed tree frog is an amphibian. This is a looking page. It can show you many things about this frog, if you look carefully. See the frog's big, round eyes? They are on the very top of...

It’s an Amphibian

The European green toad is an amphibian. Did you ever see a big, fat frog? A frog is one of the animals that lives in water when it is a baby and on land when it grows up. We call these animals...