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Fish food

Nearly everything that lives in the water is food for a hungry fish. In the ocean, most fish eat only other fish. Ocean cod, hake, tarpon, and tuna dine on smaller herrings, sar­dines, and...

Finny fathers

In the world of fish, it is often the father that does most of the baby-sitting. A father smallmouth black bass starts to take care of his babies even before they're hatched. He makes a wide,...

Champion egg layers

Some fish don't lay eggs. Some fish lay a few eggs. Some fish lay thousands of eggs, and some fish lay millions of eggs. A mother herring may lay more than forty thousand eggs at a time. The eggs...

This fish

This is a looking page. What does the picture tell you about the fish? This fish has shiny scales. Scales are like small, thin pieces of fingernail that cover a fish's body. This fish has big,...

It’s a Fish

A sea horse is a fish. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's a fish and what isn't. A sea horse doesn't look like a fish, but it is. And a dolphin looks like a fish, but it isn't! How can you tell...