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The life of a Canada goose

In early spring a pair of Canada geese pick each other as mates. The female, at left, will soon lay eggs. The female makes a nest of grass and feathers. She nestles on her eggs, warming them. ...

Homes for baby birds

Nests are the homes that birds make for their babies. The mother birds lay their eggs in the nests. After the baby birds hatch, they are cared for in the nests until they grow up. Then all the birds...

Baby birds

> Robins > > Baby robins are weak and helpless. Their parents have to feed them. Some baby robins lie close together in a nest. Their eyes are closed. They have no feathers. They can't stand on...

Coming out of the egg

Ostriches The baby ostrich on the left has been out of its egg for several minutes. Its feathers are beginning to dry. The other baby ostrich is just break­ing out of its egg. In a moment, it will...

This bird

This is a looking page. What do you see when you look at this blue jay? Its wings are stretched out. The feathers overlap. Because they overlap, the feathers catch and hold the air. They help the...

It’s a Bird

> The hummingbird is a bird. Do you know what makes a bird differ­ent from any other animal? Not its wings. Some other animals have wings, too. Not its bill. Some other animals have bills, too. ...