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Animal games

Fox Pups These fox pups are playing, but they are also practicing the hunting skills they will use when they are grown. Do you like to play tag? So do chimpanzees. Chimpanzees chase each other in...

A wood-ant city

An ant nest is like a little city where hundreds or even thousands of ants live together. Ants make their nests by digging tunnels and storerooms in the ground. The picture on the page across from...

Safety in numbers

A herd of baboons hunts for food at the edge of a grassy plain in Africa. Each baboon is looking and listening every second. There might be a lion creeping through the grass toward them! If a baboon...

Helpful animals

Crocodiles try to eat most birds that come near them. But one kind of bird can walk about among crocodiles and be quite safe. In fact, these birds even lay their eggs in the same place where the...

The great mystery

Hundreds of barn swallows sit in rows on telephone wires. Suddenly, with a great twittering, they all rush into the air. Staying close together in a big flock, they fly away. It is late summer and...

A long winter nap

In the autumn, a woodchuck curls up into a ball in its underground home and goes to sleep. And it sleeps during the whole winter. The woodchuck's sleep isn't like the sleep you have at night. The...

Sounds that say things

> Red-Winged Blackbird > > When a male bird sings in the springtime he is often telling other > male birds to stay away. Owls hoot. Foxes yap. Crickets chirp. Geese honk. Chipmunks chatter. And...

Protecting the babies

> African Elephants > > A mother elephant protects her baby by keeping it between her legs. > > If the mother sees an enemy, she lifts her trunk and makes a warning > noise. Snow whirls through...

Animal Ways

> A harvester ant goes to work every day. Why do birds sing? Why do ants rush about so busily? Why does a mandrill sometimes seem to yawn when it sees another animal? Are there reasons for what the...