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The family of nations

The biggest "family" in the world is the United Nations. It has more than 150 members---almost every nation in the world. Each nation sends people to represent it at United Nations headquarters in...

It’s the law!

> France In France, a group called the Parliament makes the laws. Each family has rules. Parents make them. Brothers and sisters sometimes get a chance to decide what the rules will be. Once the...

Follow the leader

A school has a principal. A football team has a quarterback. An army has a general. All these people are leaders. It's their job to run the school, or the team, or the army. Countries have leaders,...

Pulling together

A rowing team is a group of people working together. If each man pulled his oar when he felt like it, the team would never get anywhere---much less win a race. So, like all teams, they have a...

We wait our turn

Tom was visiting his cousin Colin in London, England. It was Saturday. The boys were on their way to the Tower of London to see the royal jewels. At the bus stop, Colin got in line behind the other...

Do we have to?

"Aw, come on! Let's play one more game." "We can't. We have to go home now." David and Betty didn't want to leave. They were having too much fun. But helping to set the table is a rule in their...

Living Together

What is the first thing you must do before you can play a new game? You must learn the rules. Rules let the players know what to do. If all the players played the game their own way, the game would...

Books to Read

Your school and public library have many interesting books about animals for you to look at and read. You may find these and other books there. Ages 5 to 8 Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros (Crowell,...