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The Green Kingdom



The Green Kingdom

World Book, Inc.

a Scott Fetzer company

Chicago London Sydney Toronto

Childcraft—The How and Why Library (Reg. U.S. Pat. and T.M. Off.
—Marca Registrada) © 1994 World Book, Inc. All rights reserved. This
volume may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without
prior written permission from the publisher.

World Book, Inc.

525 W. Monroe

Chicago, IL 60661

Sleeping life

It is the flowers’ nighttime . . . In many parts of the world it is winter, and the ground lies cold and hard beneath snow and frost. The sleeping trees are brown and bare. The dry, dead stems of…

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Plant Ways

So W. W. Watt Have you ever wondered why leaves change color in the fall? Or why some flowers smell nice and some don’t? Or what pine cones are for? Do you know why some trees stay green all…

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Nature’s Neighbors

Do you know that plants live in com­munities just as people clo? A forest is a plant community of many trees. A pond is a community of many water plants. Prairies, deserts, and oceans are plant…

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Strange and Surprising Plants

If you think that all plants are green, have leaves, and grow in the ground, you’re in for a surprise. Some plants are white, orange, or even purple, instead of green. Some plants grow on bread,…

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