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Make and Do





Make and Do

World Book, Inc.

a Scott Fetzer company

Chicago London Sydney Toronto

An adventure is an exciting happening! And that’s what Make and Do
is all about—an adventure into the world of arts and crafts, a world
in which you can make exciting things happen.

Here, you’ll find all kinds of wonderful things to make and do. There
are easy projects to start with and more difficult ones to make once
you’ve had some practice. And there are projects you can make with your
mom and dad or a grown-up friend.

Most of the sections in this book begin with a few pages of “Helpful
hints.” There you’ll find out about the basic skills or materials you
will need to make the projects in the section. If you haven’t mastered
the special skills needed, here’s a chance to learn them.

Before you begin a project, read all of the directions and gather
all of the materials you will need. Try to picture what you have to do
in each step. Then follow the easy, step-by-step directions.

Be careful with all tools, especially sharp or pointed ones. When the
directions tell you to ask for help, don’t be afraid to ask a grown-up
to give you a hand.

Many of the sections end with two pages of “more ideas”— where you
are on your own. If you have made most of the projects in the section,
you’ll find it fun to make some of these other projects. And the more
you make and do, the more ideas you will think of for projects of your

So, look through this book and see all of the adventures that are
waiting for you!

Toys, Crafts, and Make-Believe

Let’s begin with a craft box! A craft box is like a magic box. You put in a lot of junk and ordinary things. Then you add the magic ingredients — a little glue, some paint, a piece of string, your…

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Fun with Paper

Paper! It’s easy to find and fun to work with. There are many different kinds of paper, but you will need only a few kinds to make the projects in this section. Become a paper collector. Save old…

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Paint and Print

How can you tell a story without using words? If you guessed “I can paint a picture,” you’re right! Paint talks. With paint you can tell about the places you’ve visited, the things you’ve seen, and…

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