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Wise words

Wise words

In every country in the world there are old sayings that give good
advice. These sayings are called proverbs.

Most proverbs are so old that no one knows when they were first said.
Some proverbs suggest the best way to do something. Others tell how to
get along with people. And some tell people how they should behave.

Proverbs are often much the same from one land to another. Many give the
same advice in slightly different ways.

Rome: Hunger is the best cook. India: Hunger has no taste.

France: To a hungry man, there is no bad bread.

These proverbs mean that if you are hungry enough, you’ll eat anything.
You won’t care what it tastes like.

Spain: What cures Sancho makes Martha sick.

England: One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

France: What is bad for one is good for another.

These proverbs mean that people like different things. You may like
something very much, but others may not like it.

England: Haste makes waste.

China: Mistakes happen because of haste, never by doing a thing

Spain: Who pours water into a bottle with haste, spills more than he
gets in.

These proverbs mean that if you try to do something too quickly, you
will not do it well

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Iran: A sparrow in the hand is better than a hawk in the air.

Rome: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

England: Better one bird in hand than ten in the ivood.

These proverbs mean that it is best to be happy with what you have. Do
not wish for something you may not get.

Poland: He ivho digs a hole under others, falls into it himself.

Bible: Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein.

Rome: Treachery, in the end, betrays itself.

These proverbs mean that if you do something bad to someone, something
bad will happen to you.

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