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What is it?

What is it?

Some of the very tastiest foods have the funniest names. Most of the
time, you can’t tell from the name what the food is. But these funny
names do tell us that people in all parts of the world have a good sense
of humor—even about something as important as food.

Can you guess what these foods are?


Toad-in-the-hole is a sausage baked in a batter made of flour, milk,
egg, and beef drippings. If you have a good imagination, the sausage
looks a little like a toad peeping out of a hole.

Dragon’s whiskers is oolong tea packed in tiny, strawlike bundles
and tied with red ribbon. Oolong is from the Chinese wu-lung, which
means “black dragon.” Maybe the way the package is tied reminds people
of a picture of a Chinese dragon with whiskers.

Hush-puppy is a small ball of corn meal fried in deep fat. A
favorite in the South, they are called hush-puppies because they were
fed to puppies to keep them quiet.

Heavenly favors are tiny, diamond-shaped pancakes fried in fat and
sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. They are so light and sweet, someone
may have thought they tasted like a gift from heaven.

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