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Vacation time

Vacation time

A vacation is a time to forget work and worries.

It’s a time to have fun, or a time to rest. It’s a time for families to
do things together.

Some families like to take trips to faraway places. Other families may
decide to explore nearby towns and villages. If people live in the city,
they may enjoy going to the country. If they live on a farm, they may
want to have fun in a big city.

Most families take vacations in the summer. But winter vacations are
becoming very popular. Japanese families enjoy skiing. They may go to
the mountains on the islands of Honshu or Hokkaido. There they race
down the snow-covered slopes in the crisp, cold air.


Many French families enjoy summer camping trips. They pitch their tents
in thousands of campsites operated by the government. These families
have fun outdoors. They enjoy quiet, green forests and parks far from
crowded, noisy city streets.

In the United States and Canada, some families take vacations at
Christmastime, when schools are closed. If they want to get away from
the cold, they may go to Florida. There they can skim over the surface
of a lake on water skis. They can sail boats or go swimming. Or they can
just lie in the hot sun.

No matter where in the world families live, they need a change from
doing everyday things. That’s what vacations are for. Where would you
like to go on your next vacation?

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