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Time for Fun

What’s the most fun for you? Do you like to shoot marbles? Do you like
to swim, or ski, or go camping? Do you like to read, or draw, or make

People have always thought of ways to have fun.

The ancient Greeks enjoyed running races and going to plays. The
children of ancient Rome made their own toys and played blindman’s buff.
The people of Greece and China have been flying kites for more than
3,000 years. Fairs, plays, and puppet shows have been popular for
hundreds of years.

Today, we still have fun doing all these things. But we have many other
ways to have fun, too. We go surfing, skiing, and skin diving. We watch
our favorite teams play games such as football and cricket. We go to
zoos, museums, and parks.

The fact is, we like to have fun. We always have and we always will.

Quick hands, quick eyes

Ten quick fingers can crisscross a string into a cat’s cradle in seconds. It’s almost like magic. Most people play cat’s cradle for fun. But some people believe that a cat’s cradle has magic powers!…

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Find me, catch me!

It’s Alfredo’s turn to be “blind hen.” Pedro ties a big, red handkerchief over Alfredo’s eyes. Then Pedro, Inez, Maria, and Juan form a circle around Alfredo. The four of them begin to chant, “Blind…

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Three cheers for our side

People are crowding into the Olympic Stadium in Rome. Banners are flying. Flags are waving. Everyone is talking at once. “Come sta?” (“How are you?”) “Mi tanto piacere vederla!” (“I’m so pleased to…

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Vacation time

A vacation is a time to forget work and worries. It’s a time to have fun, or a time to rest. It’s a time for families to do things together. Some families like to take trips to faraway places….

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