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The good earth

The good earth

Kazino had set out early that morning. He had driven the cattle for an
hour before finding enough grass for them to feed on. Now he brushed
away the flies around his eyes and squinted at the sun. It was time to
round up the herd.

In the distance, he could see wild animals. He gripped his long-bladed
spear tightly. It would be wise to get home before dark. At night, the
wild animals might attack the cattle.

Kazino is a Masai. He lives with his tribe in a village on a reservation
in Kenya, Africa. In the center of the village there is a pen where the
cattle are kept at night.

Kazino’s people do not hunt animals or grow crops for food. They live on
meat, milk, and blood from their cattle. Without grass, the cattle would
starve. Without cattle, the Masai would starve. In this way, the Masai
depend on the land for a living.

Farmers, oil drillers, and lumbermen also depend on the land for a
living. In Israel, many workers earn money growing, picking, and packing
oranges. In Wales, miners dig for coal.

In every country in the world, people work with the riches that are
found in the good earth.

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