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Pen pals

Pen pals

What do children in other lands look like? What do they like to eat?
What games do they like to play? Where do they go to school? What kinds
of clothes do they wear? You can find the answers to these questions
about at least one child by having a pen pal.

A pen pal is a person from another country that you get to know by
writing letters. You write your pen pal many things about yourself, your
family, and your friends. You ask your pen pal questions. Your pen pal
will give you information by answering your questions.

After you and your pen pal have written to each other for a while, you
will probably get to be very good friends.

You may even send pictures or gifts to each other.

A friendship with a pen pal can last a lifetime, and who knows, you may
even meet each other someday. If you’d like to have a pen pal, ask a
teacher or a librarian to help you get started.

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