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Our Stories, Songs, and Sayings

Everywhere in the world, grown-ups have always told stories to children.
Stories about dragons, giants, and fairies. Stories about warriors and
great battles. Stories about animals that talk and act just like people.

Grown-ups also sing songs to children. They teach them dances. They
teach them riddles and wise sayings that will help them when they grow
up. Sometimes they talk to children about ghosts, evil spirits, and
magical spells that will bring good luck and keep bad luck away. They
tell them all the things their parents and grandparents told them.

As children grow older, they read myths, fairy tales, and fables in
books. They learn other songs and sayings from teachers and friends. And
when they have children of their own, they will become the storytellers.
In this way, these stories, songs, and sayings are passed along from one
generation to the next.

In China there are many old stories about dragons.

Tales of mighty warriors

Scaly dragons and knights in armor. . .magic swords and magic spells. . .great battles and deeds of courage! Nearly every part of the world has stories filled with such things—tales of mighty…

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Animal tales

“You’re a slowpoke!” said the Hare to the Tortoise. “If we were to have a race, I’d beat you by miles!” “Let’shave a race and see,” suggested the Tortoise. Off they went. The Hare was soon far…

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Let’s all sing

Do you know “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”? Or “The Frog Went A’Courting”? Or “Yankee Doodle”? These are folk songs. Foik songs are songs that are made up by common people. Many folk songs tell about…

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