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Nikos’ religion

Nikos’ religion

Bong-bong! The happy sound of the bell, ringing from the church that
overlooks the little Greek town of Pigadi, is telling Nikos to hurry. He
runs the last few steps to the church and goes to stand with the men and
boys. The girls and women stand together on the other side of the aisle.

He is just in time. The priest, Father Sioris, walks toward the altar.
His helper swings the incense holder so that its little bells tinkle.
The incense fills the church with a sweet, spicy smell.

Father Sioris goes through one of the doorways in the partition that
separates the altar from the rest of the church. The partition is
covered with icons— pictures of Jesus Christ and of other holy people.
Nikos has found that no matter where he stands, the eyes in the pictures
always seem to be looking at him.

The service is long and musical. All the prayers, lessons, and psalms
are chanted or sung. When it ends, Nikos hurries to the front of the
church to get a piece of the bread that Father Sioris has blessed.

Nikos is a Greek Orthodox Christian. He believes that Jesus Christ, the
Son of God, was sent from heaven to save all people and to teach them
how God the Father loves them and wants them to live.

The Greek Orthodox Church is one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Eastern Orthodoxy is the largest and most important Christian faith in
Greece and parts of eastern Europe and western Asia. It is also one of
the largest faiths in the United States.

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