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How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?

Ketwago was learning to hunt. Pulling his bowstring tighter, he moved
slowly forward.

“Stoop as low as you can,” said his father from behind him. “When we
stoop over, the antelopes think we are animals and do not run from us.
Then you can get close enough to shoot your arrow.”

Thousands of miles away, Karen was learning about health. “These are the
foods you should have every day in order to stay healthy,” said the
teacher, pointing to pictures on a big chart.

Children around the world learn different things in different ways.
Karen goes to school in a building and learns from teachers. Ketwago
doesn’t go to school at all. He learns from his father, and from the
other grown-ups of his tribe.

Children learn from parents, from friends, from teachers. They learn in
schools and out of them. Children everywhere need to know the things
that will help them to live in their kind of world.

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